Wednesday 2 April 2014

Update on President Anne Burden

Last Tuesday Anne was transferred to the NHS Continuance of Care Unit at Mearnskirk House where she will be for the foreseeable future. Her family are still seeing small improvements but sadly Anne is unlikely to regain her movement or speech so she will probably be unable to join us at any of our Competitions or events this year.
She still gets lovely cards, letters and photographs from her friends which her family read to her and they will welcome updates from the County especially as she is still not able to have any visitors There is no wi fi at Mearnskirk  so they cannot show her the website but her Husband, Andy, looks at it and updates her with news on how we are all doing. Anne has always been interested in how the County Ladies and Juniors are faring and the family wish everyone well in the coming County Championship and the County season.
Thank you to Bobbi and the family for this update. We send them all our thanks and best wishes. We will miss Anne very much at our events this year.