Tuesday, 12 November 2019

AGM and prize giving

At last nights AGM Fiona Norris, Hamilton took over as captain and introduced her vice captain Anne Mungall, Airdrie.
Marion Craig was re-elected to the committee and Claire Queen was elected to fill the remaining committee vacancy.
The Morison Cup is to revert to its one day 36 hole next year.
I was very pleased to receive Honorary Membership of LLCGA for my contribution to County and Scottish Golf and as an International Referee.

 Next year's committee:
L to R: Back row: Angela Devine, Allison Bell, Junior Secretary, Marion Craig, Jean Maddock, Clare Queen, Alyson Hendry, Past Captain
Front Row: Anne Lloyd, Secretary, Anne Mungall, Vice captain, Fiona Norris, Captain, Mary McKay, President, Christine Main, Treasurer.

 2019 Prizewinners

Champion SusanWoodhouse 

 Jean Macintyre receiving Honorary Membership of LLCGA with captain Fiona and Past Captain Alyson.

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