Friday, 17 June 2016

Wishing our team well in Inter County Matches.

The Inter County Matches take place at Douglas Park GC on Monday to Wednesday next week.
We wish Captain Roxy Brown and her team of Kirsten Brown, Alyson Hendry, Lesley Lloyd, Susan McGrenaghan, Fiona Norris, Molly Richmond, Katie Scott and Susan Wood all the best for a successful Jamboree.
The order of play (3 foursomes and 6 singles each day) is:
Monday:      Lanarkshire v Ayrshire     Renfrewsire v Dunbarton & Argyll
Tuesday:      D&A v Ayrshire        Lanarkshire  v Renfrewshire
Wednesday: Renfrewshire v Ayrshire   Lanarkshire v D&A