Saturday, 11 April 2020

West of Scotland Jamboree cancelled

Since our previous announcement cancelling some West of Scotland Competitions Scottish Golf have announced the cancellation of all their competitions including the County Finals.
It is therefore with regret that the West Counties have decided to cancel this year's West Inter County Matches also.
Hope you are keeping safe and well and that it won't be too long before we are back on the fairways again.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Scottish Golf Competitions cancelled

Scottish Golf have made the decision to cancel all their events for the rest of this season.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

West of Scotland Competitions

It is with regret that due to the continuing threat from the Covid-19 virus and following a consultation with the 4 West of Scotland Counties it has been decided to cancel the following West competitions:
West of Scotland Championship- 10th May
Junior Inter County Matches for the Kennedy Salver- 1st June
Inter County Foursomes Final- 2nd June
A decision on the playing of the Inter County Matches from 15th to 17th June will be taken at a later date.
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.